Friday, November 19, 2010

Built to Spill at the WOW, Eugene

Built to Spill members Doug Martsch (guitar, vocals), Brett Nelson (bass), Scott Plouf (drums) Jim Roth (guitar), and Brett Netson (guitar) put on a terrific show last week at the WOW. Their music is dense, creating a complex weave of sound that envelopes the listener. The love between the band and spectators is visceral. During the final song, members of the audience raised their cell phones to the stage, capturing a laudatory video of the band (replacing waving Bic lighters) as a show of appreciation.

It was my second venture to the WOW. I attended a West African dance class there a few weeks ago. It is a great venue; the right size as both an auditorium and studio, sufficient lobby space, good sound equipment, adequate lighting and the management/security is unobtrusive. The hall has a welcomeness, like a well used facility at your old high school. The wood interior has softened from use, polished like a pew in an old church. 

"The Community Center for the Performing Arts is the nonprofit (501c3) arts organization that owns the historic Woodmen of the World (WOW) dance hall at the corner of 8th and Lincoln in Eugene and operates the facility as an all ages performing arts venue. The organization currently enjoys the support of approximately 900 members and 400 volunteers."